Providing Solar Solutions for a Sustainable Future
Although policies towards Net Metering vary from utility company to utility company, New Brunswick and British Columbia have a fairly customer-friendly Net Metering program. Connecting to the Net Metering program of NB Power or BC Hydro will provide many benefits to the customer. By using the Net Metering program, the utility company will become your “private” battery for storing your surplus of electricity and use that surplus when power consumption exceeds the solar energy production. It will save you thousands of dollars on an expensive battery system.
How does that work? Simple. By connecting a solar system to the grid, the utility company knows via their smart meter exactly how much electricity you received from the utility company and delivered to the utility company.

The power you deliver is stored as kWh credits, which you can use when the solar system does not provide enough energy, for instance, on winter days.

Let me give you an example. In February 2017, an 18 panel 4.5 kW grid-connected solar array was built to create power for a 2400 square foot house. The house used electricity for heating/cooling, hot water, cooking, and all the appliances.
After installing the solar array, the system began to decrease the daily power consumption from the utility company significantly. as you can see on the diagram below, on Sunday, March 19, 2017, the overall consumption was just 2 kWh.

During July (see diagram below), the medium-sized solar array generated a credit of 448 kWh. The client only used electricity from the grid for two days.

Even in October, the overall energy consumption was less (3 kWh) than the energy produced by the solar array.

Going into November, the client had banked 1217 kWh of electricity, which is the rolling difference between the electricity that was produced by the solar array and the electricity that was used by the client.
During November, the client used 514 kWh from the grid, leading to a new balance going into the December billing cycle of a 702 kWh surplus.

As you can see in the November 2017 statement below, the energy charge in November was $0, although the client used 514 kWh of power from the grid.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact
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